How do you know if you are an Empath or if your family members are Empaths?
Some indicators:
Do you easily pick up on the feelings of others?
Do you feel overwhelmed in crowds?
Do you find yourself feeling strong emotions without any clear cause?
Do you know what your boss or kids want before they tell you?
Do your emotions change quickly when entering shops or gatherings?
Do you feel drained after talking with people about their challenges?
Do people tell you to “stop being so sensitive”?
Are you dealing with stubborn digestive, respiratory, and/or skin issues?
Do your friends and/or partners tend to have intense personalities?
As you read these questions are you thinking, “This happens to every one!” HINT: It doesn’t, but empaths tend to think it does.
It took decades of study for me to finally learn how to THRIVE as an empath. In this class I share all the best tips and tools I’ve gathered along the way including:
- How to clear your field.
- How to stop picking up on the energy of others.
- How to use your sensitivities ONLY when you want to.
- How to stop letting other people use your nervous system.
- How to cultivate a connection to your centered-self.
- How to be the calm at the center of the storm.
- How to trust your insights and ahas.
- How to use your empathic skills in healthy ways at work, home, and in social settings.
- How to deal with “energy vampires.”
- How to know what you are broadcasting to the world and how to change it.
- How to say “No” and mean it so that when you say “Yes” people can trust it.
- How to use the fact that empaths see and sense the world differently to improve your relationships rather than create blocks in your connections.
- How to develop your unique energy sensing language (I will use essential oils to demonstrate this)
- How to use essential oils for a fast and easy way to clear your energy field.
How can you tell if you are an Empath?
This video answers that question!
Course Includes:
Living and Thriving as an Empath
- Course Overview
- First video
- Second Video
- Essential Oils for Energetic Cleansing and Support
- Three Tools for Empaths
- Empath Class Notes
- Congratulations!
Veronica Torres
A life-long energetic sensitive, Veronica has spent decades discovering and evolving her intuitive gifts. She an author, spiritual teacher, channel for Eloheim & The Council, creator of the Energetics of Essential Oils Deck, and co-creator of the Tools for the Sensitive Soul deck.
“I just want to say it was a really helpful workshop. I absolutely really needed the tools you offered because the outside input is really breaking me down. I really felt so powerless. This really helps me to take charge of the experience!. Thank you so much!”

“Veronica beautifully articulates the trials and tribulations of being an empath. Even better is the way she describes ways to overcome these challenges and embrace your empathic super powers. Through personal stories, simple and powerful tools, and a great sense of humor, Veronica assures us all that we can thrive in our sensitivity. If you think you might be an empath this class is for you!”

“It had never dawned on me that I was an empath… until you started talking about it specifically. Bad skin condition/ food sensitivities for 2 years now. HUGE lightbulb when I heard you share. What a relief (almost tears).””